Blessing Way Ceremony
The Blessing Way Ceremony is an ancient tradition of the Navajo people to get in the right mood for the birth with other pregnant women. It is a kind of inner birth preparation that gives you strength, self-confidence and security.
We want to reflect together on the (birth) power within us women and discover and tickle it out together with strengthening rituals, creative impulses and nurturing conversations, completely trusting in a pure women's circle.
On this day we celebrate you and your pregnancy as well as your upcoming journey as a mother. It's all about you and your needs during these hours!
Joyful anticipation and self-confidence for a powerful birth should accompany us together on this day and especially beyond, so that you can dive strengthened into the soon waiting adventure.
Let's spend delightful hours together, filled with love, sharing and strength!
The ceremony is open to all pregnant women, no matter what week of pregnancy you are in.
You want to surprise a pregnant woman with the Blessing Way celebration or celebrate a Blessing Way in connection with a baby shower party? We can use the beautiful rooms of the Hebammerei. I am very happy to also arrange a Blessing celebration in a private women’s round! Feel free to contact me directly! The purchase of a voucher for the event is also possible.